to the website of  Dr. Avneet K. Dhaliwal

This website was created to provide information on maintaining a healthy smile. We hope it will benefit our patients and others who stop by with a curiosity about dental health.

Smile Health is about having confidence in your appearance, feeling free to laugh and interact with friends and business associates, and knowing you have a healthy mouth free of disease.
We hope you can learn about dentistry and use that knowledge at your next dental visit so that you can be a part of the decisions made for your dental health.

Avneet Dhaliwal

9-888 Meadowlands Drive

Ottawa, Ontario K2C 3R2


This web site and any links are intended to be a public resource of general information.

Dr. Dhaliwal has no association with any products or companies mentioned on this website. This website is sponsored solely by Dr. Dhaliwal.

Copyright © 2001-2020 Smile Health